George MERFU
journey begins with the first computer...
About me
As you probably already realised, my name is George Merfu and here is a little about me for those interested.
I was born in Targu Jiu, Romania in 1975 and currently I'm living in European Union.
I discoverd my first passion in electronics around the age of 8, which then has been expanded to computers with the independently build of my first computer in the first year of high school. During high school, I discovered Amateur Radio (ham radio) world and become Member of Romanian Amateur Radio Federation. My callsign is YO7LLA. I graduated the high school in my home town following the informatics track and continued my studies in Bucharest at Polytechnics University of Bucharest, Electronics and Telecommunictions Faculty, where got a Master in Computer Science degree in 2000.
Everything I do, I'm doing with passion and curiosity. I love to learn new things and measure myself against new, exciting and challenging projects.
Some of the projects I've worked on, that I'm most proud of are:
- My first Z80 compatible computer I built from discrete parts
- Developing a web based travel agency booking software that was in use for 12 years without needing a change
- Developing an Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) software
- A particular data recovery from a HP MSA SAN having a random bit flop
- Filtering algorithm optimisation for statistical calculation with 12.7 billion (10^9) GIS recordings
Over the time I developed a blend of technical expertise between Enterprise Systems Management, Software Development and Applied Electronics. The following core techologies are familiar to me:
- Project management, IT budgeting and Emergency / Disaster Preparedness and Recovery.
- Windows and Linux Server OSs including Virtualisation, Microsoft Collaboration platforms, Lotus Domino & Notes and the main Enterprise Backup and Security Solutions.
- HP and IBM workstations and servers, CISCO routers and firewalls, various active and passive network components.
- Python, Perl, PowerShell, PHP, SQL, Visual Basic.
- Microcontroller programming.